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Friday, April 30, 2010

Acquario Villa -Praslin island- seychelles

Farida, the owner of acquario villa announced that acquario villa will have 5 additional new villas by the end of this year (2010). All the villas will be self catering category and will encompass the latest facilities. Comfort is paramount Farida said.

Monday, April 26, 2010

seychelles island hotel location

To simplify your choice of hotels in the seychelles islands. Get free hotel location from holidays seychelles site map and view how to get there. The weather page will provide with adequate information on climate and weather information updated daily.

Le Domaine de L'Orangeraie - La Digue

Le Domaine de l’orangeraie is taking la digue island by storm, giving value for money. Now with the newly opened villa des charme elegance complete their range of top accommodations. To get there guest must get to la digue, either by helicopter, or by daily ferry schedule.

Le Domaine De L'Orangeraie принимает Ла Диг остров штурмом, дает соотношение цены и качества. Теперь вновь открыл вилла де шарм элегантностью завершить ряд лучших мест. Чтобы попасть туда гость должен добраться до Ла-Диг, либо на вертолете, или ежедневное расписание паромов.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Praslin - Iles des palmes - self catering beach bungalows

Mrs Danby Gill announced that iles des palmes will be upgrading its services. A new restaurnat is being built enhancing the value proposition of iles des palmes self catering beach bungalows.

Seychelles nature trails

You can now join the group of enthusiasts that enjoy walking the trails on mahe, praslin or la digue island. climb the different mountain range, discover endemic species, get up close to nature. more details.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Seychelles living aboard

For a lot of our visitors living on a yacht is no longer a viable proposition. Now the seychelles is fighting back with President Michel for the first time since the pirates saga began gave go ahead to attack a pirate boat that had captured 6 seychellois. article seychelles nation.