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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Seychelles - Carnival de Victoria

Seychelles international carnival of victoria will run for 3 days, from 4th - 6th of March 2011. Representatives from famous national carnivals will be invited to attend. The best will meet in Victoria and this convergence will vibrate this unique culture.  Seychelles, weekend 4-6 march, 2011. be there!


Day 1

Melting pot of cultures – with an alfresco style restaurant,

Day 2

Carnival day – carnival procession starts from 10:00

Day 3

Family fun day – carnival assemble at the stadium where participants can mingle with locals.

1 comment:

  1. Dont be left stranded for the carnival, book your accommodationn early, look for location in the north or mahe central.
